5 Best Tips to Boost Your Score for the Writing Segment for IELTS

The essay writing segment of the IELTS is a tricky segment for many students who are not native speakers of English, especially when they are required to give their opinion about topics that they are not aware of. A poor score in this section can bring down the overall score for the IELTS test. On the other hand, having a good score in this section can boost your score overall. We take a look at tips for scoring higher in your IELTS test

Tips for Scoring High in Writing Section for IELTS

1. Give an Impressive Introduction
Give an impressive introduction for all essay-type questions for the IELTS exam writing section. Irrespective of the type of question asked in the writing section, a good introduction will include three different aspects, an informative sentence about the topic around the question, followed by a sentence that frames the question in your own words, and the third sentence that leads on to the solution.

2. Use a Wide Grammatical Range for Your Writing
Use a variety of sentence types and phrases to showcase your knowledge of the range of grammar. If you want to score an above-average band in the writing section, then you need to use a wide range of sentence structures. There are six or seven different types of sentences throughout the IELTS Exam Syllabus – simple, compound, complex, phrases, idioms

[Read more: How to Get IELTS Band 8?]

3. Make Sure Of Your Grammatical Accuracy
The grammar should be accurate in all your writing. If you are writing paragraphs, then you need to make sure that your writing does not have any grammatical errors at all. For this, it is important to not just read a variety of genres, but also make sure that the material you are reading is grammatically correct. This is an important caveat, especially if English is not your native language, as many contemporary books have colloquial narrations which may not always be grammatically correct.

4. Follow the Elements of Style
For a good IELTS writing score, it is not just adequate to know how to write a paragraph that is grammatically adequate, but you also need to have knowledge about the elements of style. A good reference book for this segment is ‘The elements of style’ by William Strunk Jr. A good grounding in the different styles of writing and how to bring them together in a cohesive paragraph will lead to higher marks in the writing segment of the IELTS test.

[Read more: Last Minute Tips for IELTS  from Experts]

5. Write from Both Points Of View for Debate Type Questions
Many times, the essay task poses a question where you are asked to discuss two sides of a particular topic and provide your opinion about the topic. You may have a strong opinion on either side about the topic, in real life. But when it comes to writing the essay, you should keep your personal prejudices aside and write the essay, giving equal weightage to both sides of the topic.

To get more tips on how to improve IELTS writing score, get in touch with IELTS Coaching. Your one-stop shops for all international entrance and gateway exams.

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