General GRE
The GRE General Tests You on the Following Parameters
What is Verbal Reasoning in GRE?
The verbal reasoning section of the GRE assesses the student on his verbal skills and comprises of three parts:-
1. Sentence Equivalence
In this section, you will be asked to complete a sentence by opting for two words that would fit the blank correctly in order to complete the sentence and make it a meaningful one. Both the words must complete the sentence to have the same meaning and both choices should be correct in order to score marks.
You will need good skills in reading and understanding sentences in order to complete this test successfully. At GT Prep we guide you with various examples in sentence equivalence to boost your expertise and confidence in attempting these questions.
2. Text Completion
The text completion section will ask you to complete sentences with the best word to complete the text of a sentence or paragraph. You will need to place the appropriate word at the correct word in order to complete the sentence or paragraph to reflect the best meaning.
3. Reading Comprehension
The reading comprehension section will test your proficiency to read passages from different genres and different lengths and comprehend their meaning. You will be asked to respond to questions that correspond to the paragraph in order to assess your level of comprehension. You will need to apply your reading skills as well as critical understanding skills in order to do well in this section.
What is Quantitative Reasoning in GRE?
The quantitative reasoning section of the GRE general test will provide the candidate with two different two types of MCQs related to problem-solving and quantitative comparisons. The test will also test students on numeric entry which will require the candidates to provide their own answers after making the appropriate calculations. You will need to have a good grasp of your 10th grade math concepts in order to perform well in this test. It contains Numeric Entry questions where students have to provide their own answers. You will be provided with an on-screen calculator if you take the computer-based test or a separate calculator at the test center if you are attempting the paper-based test.
What is Analytical Writing in GRE?
The analytical writing section of the GRE will include two writing tasks.
Issue – The Issue questions present the student with two topics out of which you will need to select one and present your point of view on the given topic. You will need to support your point of view with reasoning and examples. You will be allotted 30 minutes of time to complete the essay.
Argument – In this task, you will be presented with a statement or a position. You will be asked to analyze the logic behind the given statement or position and suggest ways in which the logic can be improved. You will be given 30 minutes for attempting this section.
Check our Complete GRE Exam Guide along with Tips To Score 320+
Who can take the GRE General Test?
The following categories of students generally take the GRE general test in order to showcase their readiness for absorbing and learning the course taught to them
- Prospective students for a graduate program
- Prospective students for MBA programs
- Prospective students for Doctoral programs
What Are the Eligibility Criteria for the General GRE?
There aren’t many eligibility criteria for the general GRE and any student who plans to apply for admission to a graduate program at a university that asks for the GRE scores can give the exam. Broadly, as a prospective student, you are eligible to give the General GRE if you satisfy the following criteria.
- You are a student who has completed or is in the final year of your undergraduate course.
- You are more than 18 years old
What are the guidelines for GRE General?
- The GRE general test can be taken at multiple locations across India
- You can register for the test both through mail and online
- You can choose to take the test all through the year
What is the Cost of Taking the GRE General?
The GRE costs 205 USD for students in India
Results of the GRE General
Your results will be sent to universities where you have applied for admission within 10 to 15 days of taking the test. You will be able to take a retest 21 days after taking the test. The GRE scores are reported in the following ways
- Verbal reasoning score – 130 to 170 with increments of 1 point
- Quantitative reasoning score – 130 to 170 with increments of 1 point
- Analytical writing – 0-6 with increments of 0.5 points
What GRE preparation methods & step by step plan with tips for Taking GRE General Test?
- Plan to prepare at least six months before your test date
- Spend a stipulated or pre-decided amount of time each day in preparation for the test
- Read the best GRE Prep books and documents of every genre to polish your reading comprehension and verbal skills
- Practice and revise your 10th grade Math concepts in order to improve your foundation for the quantitative sections
- Take as many mock tests as possible to gain confidence in attempting the test
- Make sure you eat a healthy diet and get adequate sleep before the test so that you are at your peak and can perform your best
- Rely on reputed and capable GRE Coaching centers to polish your skills for giving the GRE
What strategies help you achieve success in GRE General?
- State of the art classrooms with latest technology-aided instruction
- The customized syllabus that is patterned on research into past years GRE exams
- Experienced faculty with the expertise to teach students at different levels of readiness
- Group study programs that encourage introspection and motivate you to prepare better
- Mock tests that are simulated to mimic your experience on test day
- Personalized assistance in booking test dates and register in the test center of your choice