IELTS Guidelines & Tips

Duolingo vs IELTS: Exam Pattern, Fees and Score Comparison

Duolingo is a language test used to evaluate and assess English proficiency. IELTS, also known as the International English Language Testing System, is an exam used to determine whether students are proficient in English. It has four components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. In this article, we have compared these two exams from various perspectives, so that you can decide which one is better for your needs.

Duolingo English test vs IELTS

The Duolingo English Test is more of a reading and writing test, while IELTS is more of a listening and speaking test. In addition to the fact that they are different types of tests, they also differ in terms of how comprehensive each one is. The IELTS exam includes four sections: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Each section is worth a certain number of points on its own as well as contributing towards your overall score (which must be at least 7).

The Duolingo English Test has two parts–a multiple choice section where you must choose the correct answer from four options (or three if it’s an audio question), and then an essay prompt where you write out your thoughts about the topic given to you by Duolingo staff members who grade them based on grammar usage etc..

Duolingo Vs IELTS :Score Comparison between

Duolingo is a more accessible test than IELTS. The minimum score required to pass Duolingo is 20/30, while for IELTS it is 6/9. This means that if you want to take Duolingo and get your certificate, you just need to be able to answer 20 out of 30 questions correctly. On the other hand, if you want your certificate from IELTS then there are two options: either get all 9 band scores or 6 band scores with no less than 5 in any section.

The average scores on both tests vary greatly depending on how much time was spent studying and preparing for them beforehand (and also how good someone’s general English skills are).

Duolingo vs IELTS: Exam Pattern Comparison

IELTS has 4 sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Duolingo has 3 sections: Reading, Writing and Speaking.

IELTS has listening, writing and speaking sections but no reading section (it’s not a part of the exam). The score ranges for each section are 0-9 (Average is 5.5).

Duolingo English test has 10-160 (average 110) as its score range for each section – reading comprehension isn’t included here because it’s not an official test by Duolingo or any other organization yet!

(Read More: How to prepare for Duolingo English Test?)

Duolingo Vs IELTS: Which test is difficult?

Duolingo is a general English test, while IELTS is a test for academic purposes. While Duolingo is an online test and IELTS is paper-based. Finally, Duolingo is free and you can access it anywhere in the world at any time; however, IELTS does charge $180 (USD) per test if you want to take it outside of your home country.

Duolingo vs IELTS: Readiness Test

The Duolingo readiness test is a free online exam that you can take anytime. It gives you an idea of how well you are prepared for the actual Duolingo test, which is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR is used by many language teachers and institutions around the world as a standard measure of proficiency in languages.

The Duolingo readiness test consists of five parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing skills, vocabulary acquisition and speaking skills. You’ll be given 30 minutes to complete all five sections of this test–the same amount as real-life exams like IELTS or TOEFL!

Duolingo vs IELTS: Mandatory Tests

If you’re planning to take the test, make sure you have enough time to prepare. Duolingo requires that its users complete two mandatory tests before they can receive a certificate: Reading and Writing. IELTS also has three mandatory exams: Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Prepare extensively for IELTS exam as it has various sections and this will help in avoiding the confusion.

Duolingo vs IELTS: Global Mobility Test

The IELTS test is more difficult than the Duolingo test. In addition to being more difficult, it also requires you to spend more time studying for it. This makes it less useful than Duolingo since most people do not have enough time or resources to prepare for both tests at once.

Duolingo’s popularity has made it one of the most well-known and popular tools for learning languages worldwide. It has been used by millions of people with success stories from all over the globe!

Duolingo vs IELTS: Optional Tests

The IELTS test has an optional writing test. The Duolingo Global Mobility Test is also optional and can be taken at any time during your learning journey with us. Both tests are scored on a scale of 0-9 and require you to write essays in response to questions about yourself and your goals for future study or work abroad.

(Read More: Improve your listening score on IELTS)

Duolingo vs IELTS: Exam Fee, Registration, and Results Schedule:

Duolingo: $20*

IELTS: $190* (with the IELTS Academic test, you can opt to pay extra for a digital version of your results)

Duolingo registration is free. You need to create an account and log in before taking any of its tests, but there are no additional charges once you’ve done so.

IELTS registration is also free–but again, this only applies if you’re planning on taking an Academic or General Training version; other types will cost extra money depending on their purpose.

Duolingo scores are available within 20 days after completing one of its courses; meanwhile with IELTS scores come out three weeks after completing all four modules at once (or six weeks if someone decides not take all four modules at once).

(Read More: How to score band 8 on IELTS Writing task 2?)

Differences between Duolingo and IELTS

Both Duolingo and IELTS are good for improving your English language abilities, but there are some significant differences between the two.

  • IELTS is a standardized test that can be used for immigration purposes (if you’re applying to study or work in an English-speaking country). It consists of four sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking. You have 60 minutes per section with a time limit of 20 minutes per task. The overall score is then calculated as 2250 points out of 9 bands (or grades) ranging from 0 to 9 with each band corresponding to a certain level of proficiency in the language–Level 1 being beginner-level and Level 9 being expert-level proficiency. Your score will determine whether or not you meet their requirements for entry into an institution or job position; however since some institutions may accept other tests such as TOEFL instead of IELTS depending on their needs/requirements this could affect how much weight your results carry when applying for something like university admission abroad where only one type testing method need apply!


The best way to decide which test is right for you is by taking a readiness test. If you feel confident in your English skills and are looking for an easy way to prove it, then Duolingo Coaching may be the right choice. However, if time is important and money matters as well, then IELTS might be better suited because there are more locations where this exam can be taken than Duolingo ones.

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