GRE Analytical Writing: 7 Expert Tips to Boost your Score

Is penning down your thoughts during the GRE Analytical writing section becoming a mystery to you? Not to worry anymore. Here are the best 7 tips to boost your GRE Analytical Writing score.

GRE Analytical Writing section tests your ability to think critically and present your ideas perfectly. That presentation should be well supported by the reasons to strengthen your point. To write a scoring essay, you should know how to analyze an issue and how to analyze an argument.

Analyzing an issue and preparing a solution for that will give a clear picture for your essay. Because in this thought process, you will be able to find the supporting points for your argument. These reasons will strengthen your essay. Know about the best preparation books to score high in GRE and the 7 best tips to write an essay in GRE Analytical Writing that can boost your score.

1. Point it Out at the Top

While you present your passage to anyone, you should never let the reader guess on which side you are arguing. So propose your point at the first so that reader will not get confused whether you are supporting or disagreeing with the issue.
Along with making your thesis point obvious, make sure your points are leading towards the same. This in fact can be a scoring point for the GRE exam.

2. Organize your Thoughts

When an issue is in front of our eyes, the immediate thought will be how to solve it and how well we can solve and support our idea. In this thought, your ideas should be well organized and present in proper shape.

3. Order the Effectiveness of Your Points

A common mistake by most of the GRE aspirants is following a wrong order like mentioning the most important point in the first and the least important point at the ending. This way, you will end up with the boring points as the conclusions.
The best way to present your essay is, write in ascending order, from the least important points to the most important points. This method will help you improve your GRE score as you can have important points to the end.

[Read more: Follow These Steps to Score High on Your GRE Exam]

4. Follow the Traditional Structure of a Passage

The traditional passage structure has an introduction, reason for the argument, examples, explanation, and conclusion. It is better to follow the same old tradition because one thing is it is a straight shot to the goal and another reason is this kind of structure gives clarity to the reader.

Introduction: This part should mainly consist of what exactly you are writing about. Even it is better to write a straightforward answer to the issue given in the question.

Supporting points: Once you clarified on which side you are arguing, now is the place where you need to explain why you are pointing out that way. Points that you must cover here are:

• Evidence
• Examples
• Explanation
• Why not the other way

To grab the reader’s attention, make sure you are convincing them with your proof and your point is right. That’s it. You have a straightforward goal.

Conclusion: At last, make sure you summarize the essay you have written and conclude it. Without a conclusion, how come anyone understands whether you are supporting the same or not.

5. Each Paragraph is Important

As each paragraph is pointing out an individual point, make sure you are completing that point in it. Develop them individually so that every point is focused enough to strengthen your argument. You can add facts, observations, opinions, examples, etc.

6. Maintain the Tone

A neutral tone is always suggested during GRE analytical writing. I know, you got a question like, how come the tone will make a difference for the GRE Analytical Writing Score? But the tone and the person will change the entire look. So better choose the neutral and professional tone with 1st person while proposing opinions.

7. Practice a Lot

Last but not least but a lot of practice is required to excel in GRE Analytical Writing. So take your time out of your preparation for GRE and practice writing with real-life topics or current topics. Make sure you are practicing with time.

Hope these tips help you in scoring high in GRE Analytical Writing. For more personal guidance, you can opt for intensive GRE Training Sessions.

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