PTE Read Aloud: Tips & Tricks to Boost your score


The PTE Read Aloud section is one of the most challenging on the test, and yet it is also one of the easiest to master. All you need are some solid tips and tricks to get your read-aloud skills up to scratch. Read this article and learn how to ace this section in just 5 easy steps!

What is a PTE read-aloud?

The PTE read-aloud is a part of the PTE Academic test. It is a reading-out-loud task that requires you to read and understand a text. The purpose of this task is to check if you can read fluently and accurately, so it’s important that during your practice sessions, you focus on reading smoothly and clearly with good pronunciation.

How To Score Full Marks in PTE Read Aloud?

Reading aloud is the perfect way to practice speaking in a non-threatening environment. They’re not a test of reading speed or comprehension; they’re about speaking fluency and pronunciation.
To receive full marks on your PTE Read Aloud, follow these tips:
• Don’t read too fast.
• Use proper pronunciation for all words that you don’t know how to say properly (this includes new vocabulary).
• Make sure you pronounce each word with equal emphasis on each syllable, even when there are multiple syllables in one word (e.g., “polystyrene” vs “polystyrene”).

                                                       (Read More: Common mistakes to avoid on PTE exam)

5 Top Tips for PTE Read Aloud

• Don’t read the text out loud if you don’t understand it.
• The point of a PTE reading test is to show your ability to speak English clearly and fluently, so don’t worry about getting a perfect accent or sounding like an American or British person. Just focus on speaking clearly and naturally, like someone who speaks English as their first language would speak it in real life.
• Pause between sentences! Pausing helps emphasize important points and make sure that everything makes sense when you’re talking about it aloud.
• You should also breathe regularly while reading–don’t forget this! It’ll help keep your energy up throughout the entire text rather than running out halfway through because of a lack of oxygen supply (which happens when we hold our breath).
• Look at the camera while speaking (or look directly into whatever lens is being used). This lets listeners know where they should direct their attention; otherwise, there may be confusion about whose voice belongs and where in what order during different parts of speech such as narration vs dialogue vs description etcetera…

7 Best Strategies to Score High on PTE Speaking:

By following a few PTE secret tips for top score,, you can score high in PTE speaking section.

1. Read Aloud Structure

The structure of a PTE Read Aloud is similar to that of a typical essay. It consists of four main sections: introduction, body, conclusion, and summary.

2. Read your text carefully

Reading the text carefully is the first step to understanding it. Read the following sentences, and try to figure out what they mean:
• “The dog is brown.”
• “I like playing video games with my friends.”
• “The sky is blue today.”
You probably found that each sentence contains a single idea or concept that can be expressed in one or two words. This is called an idiom (a phrase whose meaning cannot be easily understood from its individual parts). Idioms are often used in everyday speech and writing because they help us express complicated ideas quickly and clearly, but they can be difficult for non-native speakers of English who have not learned them before.

3. Listen to the recording

Listening to the recording is an important step in preparing for your PTE read-aloud. Before you start practicing, listen to the recording at least twice.
• Listen until you are familiar with it
• Listen until you are confident with it
• Listen until you can match your pace with it

4. Match your pace to the recording

• Match your pace to the recording.
• Don’t speed up or slow down.
• Don’t pause too much or too little (the script will tell you how much time to pause).
• Use your body, face, and hands as pointers–this is where you will be looking while reading aloud! Look for these pointers in the script: 1) underlines = emphasize words; 2) italics = whisper; 3) capital letters = shout/yell

5. Stare at your camera

• Stare at your camera, not the screen.
• Don’t look at the screen or you will lose your place.
• Look at the camera for 2 seconds, and then look away (after you have stared).

(Read More: How to enhance your PTE speaking score?)

6. Look for pointers in the script

• Look for pointers in the script. I know it’s tempting to just read and not look at the script, but if you want to improve your reading speed, then this is an essential step.
• Look for pointers in the script when you are listening or watching as well. Sometimes we can miss important information when we are listening because our attention is elsewhere or we’re focused on something else (like what someone else is saying).

7. Don’t pause too much or too little

As you read, don’t pause too much or too little.
• Don’t pause in the middle of a sentence. This is a common mistake that many people make when they’re nervous about reading aloud. They think they need to take a breath, so they pause at the end of each sentence instead of continuing on with the flow of speech. However, this will cause your voice to sound choppy and unnatural–not exactly what you want! If you find yourself pausing mid-sentence like this (which happens often), try practicing saying each sentence out loud before reading it; this should help train your brain into speaking naturally again without pauses between sentences.
• Don’t pause too long before answering questions either! As we mentioned earlier, if possible choose questions that are open-ended rather than closed-ended so that there’s more flexibility when responding with an answer rather than just yes/no responses which tend not only to limit creativity but also make it harder for us humans since we naturally want things spelled out clearly ahead of time.

(Read More: Proven tips and tricks to improve PTE Reading score)

8. Use your body, face, and hands

When you read aloud, it’s important to use your body and face to show what is happening in the text. For example:
• Use your hands to illustrate a point or action.
• Make eye contact with the audience when speaking about something important in the story. This will help them stay engaged with what you are saying and add interest to your performance!
• Use hand gestures when describing places or objects in the story (e.g., “She walked into the room and saw…”). This helps create a more vivid picture for listeners who cannot see what is being described on their own screens!


In this article, we have explored the importance of reading aloud in your PTE preparation. We have also given you some tips on how to make the most out of it and improve your reading speed. If you are looking for more help with your reading skills, enrol for a PTE coaching.

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