GRE Exam Preparation

Follow these tips to score high on your GRE exam

Every year a large number of students from different parts of the world attempt the Graduate Record Examination to qualify themselves for gaining entrance into some of the best universities in USA and other countries in the world.  If you want to be among the students who score in the higher band and get into the university of your choice, you should follow the strategies mentioned below which will help to optimize your score.

1.  Study at regular times every day
It is better to study at regular periods every day for short periods of time, instead of attempting a marathon session of eight hours a day before the exam, where you try to cram everything at once. According to research, a half hour of focused studying every day is best for preparing for competitive tests. When you study for long hours at a time, you may end up feeling very fatigued and will most likely forget what you have learned.

2. Focus on the essentials for reading section
Do not spend a lot of time in reading all the content that is given as a part of the reading comprehension questions. If you spend your time reading each and every footnote or explanation, you will find that you don’t have enough time to cover all the questions. It is best to read the questions before you read the passage as you can then focus on what is essential instead of wasting precious time on the non-essential parts of the passage.

3. Take mock tests regularly
GRE test has to be taken within time limit. You will get 1 hour and 30 minutes for attempting the  verbal section and 1 hour and 45 minutes for taking the quant sections. It is a good practice to take a number of mock tests where you time yourself strictly and take the test exactly as you would in the test center.

A good GRE coaching center can help you by providing you with the opportunity to take a number of mock tests before attempting the actual GRE.

4. Keep revising what you have covered
It is important to keep revising what you have learned earlier as you go ahead in your studies. You should also make it a point to preserve all your old notes and rough work so that you can see how you have made progress in your preparation for the GRE.

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