How to Answer Summary Completion IELTS Reading Questions?


Summary completion questions in the IELTS reading test are similar to summary writing exercises, but in this case, you have to read a passage and fill in the gaps. Summary completion is one of four methods of question types in the IELTS reading test. It is considered one of the most challenging types because it requires candidates to scan quickly through text and answer questions based on what they have read. Below we’ll go over how to best prepare for these questions as well as ten tips for answering them:

Best ways to answer summary completion questions in IELTS

The best way to answer summary completion questions in IELTS is to understand the instructions, structure of the question, vocabulary used, and topic.
• Understand the instructions. Read carefully and make sure that you understand every word. Don’t just skim over them because there may be important information hidden between them!
• Understand the structure of the question: “Which three sentences from this passage support your answer?” The first step is to know what kind of answer is required and understand how many sentences are expected before moving on to actually answering it correctly (or not).

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Strategies for summary completion questions in IELTS

• Read the question carefully.
• Understand the meaning of the question.
• Understand the structure of the question and how it relates to what you are going to write in your answer.
• Understand the context of your answer, including where you are writing it, who is asking you for this information and why they want it (e.g., if it’s an exam or interview).
This will help you decide which key points need to be covered in order for them to understand what is being asked by reading just your summary without having seen any other parts of any text beforehand!

Tips for answering summary completion questions in IELTS

1. Learn How to answer summary completion questions easily on your IELTS exam.

  • Summary completion questions are a common type of question on the IELTS exam. They ask you to complete a summary with a word or phrase that fits in the gap provided. The best way to improve your score on these questions is by learning how to answer them easily and quickly.
  • To do this, you’ll need to improve your vocabulary and reading skills so that when there are multiple possible answers for each gap, you can pick out the right one quickly and accurately. You’ll also need to understand how these questions are structured so that you don’t spend too much time thinking about what they mean before answering them correctly (this wastes valuable time). Finally, it’s important not only knowing what kinds of words belong in each gap but also understanding what kind of meaning those words convey when placed together as part of a longer sentence–this will help ensure that all parts fit together nicely without seeming awkward or unnatural sounding when put together!

2. Understanding the structure of summary completion questions in IELTS.

  • To answer these questions, you need to understand the structure of the question and what is expected of you.
  • Understand the structure of the question:
  • The first part of your answer will be a summary of what you have read in the passage. This can be done in one or two sentences, depending on how many points there are in your summary and how long each point is (you should keep it short). The second part will be an explanation for why this information is important or useful for someone who wants to know more about this topic.
  • In addition to understanding how these two parts work together as one whole response, it’s also important that you understand what isn’t required by IELTS examiners when writing answers for summary completion questions: they don’t want opinions; they don’t want explanations about why something happened; nor do they want references back into earlier parts of texts that haven’t been mentioned yet (this would mean having prior knowledge).

3. Importance of vocabulary in summary completion questions in IELTS

Vocabulary is an important part of all IELTS tasks, and summary completion questions are no exception. To answer these questions correctly, you will need to understand the meaning of every word in both the question and the passage. This can be difficult if you’re unfamiliar with certain vocabulary words or terminology used in academic settings. Improving vocabulary will also enhance your IELTS Speaking score. To help yourself prepare for this type of question:
• Look for keywords in the question – These are usually nouns or adjectives that describe what kind of information is being asked for (e.g., “explain,” “analyze”). They may also give further details about what parts of a text should be included in your answer (e.g., “in your opinion”).
• Look for keywords in the passage – These tend to be verbs, adverbs and prepositions related directly to what’s being described by either author A or B (e.g., “describe,” “compare” etc.). Keep an eye out for any clues within each paragraph which could give away where they might fit into an overall summary statement; they may indicate how two opposing viewpoints differ on certain points!

4. Time management for summary completion questions in IELTS

  • Time management is important for summary completion questions, as you need to get through all the answers in the time allowed. Use a stopwatch or clock to keep track of how much time you have left, and check how much time each answer takes up.
  • Since there are four possible answers for each question (A-D), it’s easy to waste time on incorrect answers and miss out on getting full marks for your correct ones. Make sure that you read carefully through all four options before choosing one!

5. Understanding the instructions for summary completion questions in IELTS

  • When you start to answer a summary completion question, it’s important to read the instructions carefully. You need to understand what the question is asking you to do and what the answer options are before you can begin writing your answer.
  • The time limit for each question is usually 10 minutes, but this can vary depending on how much information there is in the passage. You should also check whether your examiners have specified any particular marking scheme for a given test.

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6. Improving reading skills for summary completion questions in IELTS.

Improving reading skills for summary completion questions in IELTS.
• Understand the text.
• Understand the questions.
• Understand the answers.
• Understand the purpose of the question and its format (e.g., who, what, where and when).
• Know how to answer a question that requires you to supply missing information from an extract or paraphrase by selecting words from a given list of options (e.g., “furnished”, “unfurnished” etc.)

7. Common mistakes to avoid when answering summary completion questions in IELTS

• Don’t rush:
The first thing you should do when answering summary completion questions is slow down and take your time. If you try to rush through the question, then it will be much more difficult for you to answer correctly. You need to make sure that each word in your answer makes sense and supports what was said in the passage before it.
• Don’t be tempted by a question that is too difficult:
If there are some words or phrases in an IELTS reading passage that are unfamiliar or difficult for you, don’t worry about them! Focus on understanding what is being said overall, rather than trying to understand every single detail. This will help prevent panic later on if there’s something specific that doesn’t make sense right away (and remember–you can always ask an examiner if something isn’t clear).

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In conclusion, summary completion questions are a great way to improve your reading skills and understanding of English. They require you to read a passage and then answer some questions about it. The most important thing to remember is that these questions test your ability to understand what you read rather than just remembering facts from memory alone! Reach out to IELTS tutors for training classes.