IELTS Writing Task 2: How to Score 8+ Easily


IELTS writing task 2 is one of the hardest parts of IELTS. There are many strategies and tips for you to get a better score in this essay type with the help of professional writers. In this article, we will explain how to write an effective essay on the topic “The most important skill in today’s workplace”.

3 Steps to Score Band 8+ on IELTS Writing Task 2

Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here are our tips and tricks to get a high score in IELTS Writing Task 2
Follow these 3 simple steps to score high on IELTS Writing task 2:

  1. Read the topic carefully before writing your essay.
  2. Plan your answer by listing points that support your opinion or argument in order of importance (from most important down). This is called an outline or thesis statement and it helps you stay focused while writing a long answer because it gives structure to what would otherwise be an essay full of random ideas thrown together in no particular order (which doesn’t sound very impressive).
  3. Having an outline also makes it easier when planning how much time each paragraph should take as well as knowing where each new idea should go next – so if there’s one thing we’d recommend doing differently when preparing for this task compared with others like IELTS Reading Comprehension or IELTS Listening Comprehension then make sure it’s taking advantage of this technique!

10 Top IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

Here is the list of 10 tips to score band 8 on IELTS writing section

Tip 1# Pick a topic from the list of IELTS Writing Task 2 topics

• Pick a topic from the list of IELTS Writing Task 2 topics
• Make sure it’s something you are interested in, otherwise you won’t be able to write about it

Tip 2# Find out your strengths and weaknesses in IELTS Writing Task 2

  • As with any other section of IELTS, it is important that you know your strengths and weaknesses before starting the writing task. If you don’t, then you won’t be able to plan properly for what needs improving in your next attempt at Writing Task 2. You should also make sure that you’re familiar with some common mistakes made by students who haven’t prepared well enough for this part of the exam (see below).
  • You should also consider how much time you have left before the test date as this may affect how much work needs doing on each aspect of preparation – for example: if there are only two weeks until the exam date then it might not be worth spending too much time working on grammar or vocabulary because these areas can take longer than others to improve upon; whereas if there are six months until an upcoming test then working hard on those aspects now could give great results later down the line!

Tip 3# Plan the structure of your IELTS writing task 2 responses

The structure of your IELTS writing task 2 responses should be as follows:
• Introduction: This is where you introduce the topic and explain why it’s important, who or what it affects, and so on. You should also give some background information about the issue at hand if necessary.
• Body paragraphs: Each body paragraph should have its own thesis statement (the main point) that supports the overall argument you are making in the essay as well as supporting evidence from your sources.
• Conclusion: Your conclusion should restate your thesis and summarize what has been said throughout all three sections of your essay (introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion).

Tip 4# Write the introduction and conclusion first

The introduction and conclusion are two of the most important parts of your essay. They set the scene, so to speak, and help your reader understand what you’re going to write about.

Tip 5# Focus on key points only in IELTS

  • When writing, it’s important to focus on key points only. Don’t write too much and don’t write too little; you want to aim for a medium length sentence that’s just right.
  • If you’re having trouble keeping track of what you’ve written, it might be helpful to keep an eye on the number of words in each sentence as well as their average length. This will ensure that none of your sentences are either too long or too short–and help ensure that all parts of your essay complement one another perfectly!

(Read More: Achieve success on IELTS test-2023)

Tip 6# Write down the topic and your opinion about it

The final part of Task 2 is to write down your opinion, why you think it should be implemented or not and what examples you have to back up your argument. This is the most important part of the task because your opinion is what will make your essay unique. You should have at least one example in your answer so that it’s easier for the marker to understand what exactly are you trying to say about this issue. If there are no examples then it can be confusing for them as well as for readers who read through their essays later on.

Tip 7# Include Appropriate Examples

  • Choosing a suitable example for the topic and writing about it is an important part of Task 2. The examiner wants to see that you can take a general idea and apply it to specific situations. You should choose a topic that you know about, so that you can write about it with confidence; however, make sure that the topic is relevant to both your own experience and its relevance to the question in hand.
  • You should also consider whether or not your chosen example fits within the time limit set by each question (usually 200 words). If not, then there may be less room for discussing other aspects of your argumentation such as counterarguments or supporting details–which could lead to lower scores!

(Read More: Effective ways to improve IELTS Reading score)

Tip 8# Include all of your ideas in your IELTS writing Task

You should consider the following points:
• Make sure you have included all of your ideas in your writing.
• If you have more than one idea, make sure they are clear and well-organized.
• If a point is not relevant to what you are trying to say, leave it out or change its position within the paragraph/section where it belongs (e.g., if an idea comes before another one that should come first).

Tip 9# Use specific evidence to illustrate your ideas

To score well in IELTS Writing Task 2, you need to use specific evidence to support your ideas. You should also use different types of evidence so that the examiner can see that you have a good understanding of the topic and are not just repeating what others have said before.
You can use personal experience as an example if it is relevant to the topic and helps make your point clear.

Tip 10# Review your answer for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes before submitting

  • After you have finished writing your essay, it is important to check for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Also, you should make sure that your essay flows logically and makes sense. You can do this by reading through it out loud or getting someone else to read it for you.
  • If you want to improve your score in IELTS Writing Task 2, then apply for an IELTS Coaching. The more practice tests that you take under exam conditions (i.e., timed), the better prepared you’ll be when it comes time to sit down at a real test centre with an examiner who wants nothing more than see if they can trip up an unsuspecting test-taker like yourself


IELTS Writing Task 2 is a very important part of the test, but it’s not as difficult as some people think. The key to success is knowing how to approach the task and what type of answer will score you high marks in this section. If you follow these tips, then there’s no reason why you can’t get an 8+ band score!