Match the Headings: IELTS Reading Practice


The IELTS Test is one of the most popular English language tests in the world. It is used as an academic entrance requirement by universities and colleges in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and other parts of the world. The test is designed to assess your ability to understand written academic material – articles and reports on topics such as science and medicine, social sciences, and technology.
In this blog post, we will provide tips for matching headings on IELTS Academic reading tests so you can improve your performance. We’ll also offer some useful strategies for answering questions based on them:

What are IELTS Reading Matching Headings?

Matching headings are a question type in IELTS Academic Reading. They ask you to find the correct answer from the given options. The answer can be found in the text, but it doesn’t have to be there because sometimes there might not be an exact match with all your choices. For example:
• If you’re asked “What are some problems associated with this?” and one of your choices is “The author does not give enough information,” then this would not be considered correct even though it may be true or partially true because there isn’t anything about that particular problem being discussed in detail anywhere else within this passage (or at least nowhere near as much detail). So make sure that when choosing an answer for matching headings questions like these ones where we’re looking for something specific rather than just general statements about what happened earlier on during this narrative arc – make sure that whatever statement(s) we come up with will actually lead us somewhere useful!

Why are IELTS matching headings important?

Matching headings is one of the most important skills you can develop as an IELTS academic reader. It’s a great way to check your understanding of the passage, and it helps you answer questions in the IELTS Academic Reading test.

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How do matching headings in IELTS Academic Reading?

• Read the question carefully. Try to understand what it is asking you, and underline the keywords in the question.
• Try to understand the meaning of each heading and paragraph before answering a question based on them (e.g., “What can be done?”, “Why is this important?”).
• Think about how each paragraph relates to one another as well as how they relate back to your answer (i.e., what parts are supportive evidence?). Try not just looking at individual sentences but also taking into account how they fit together into paragraphs or bigger chunks of text when answering questions based on them–this will help make sure that you don’t forget anything important!

Matching Heading Strategies for IELTS Reading

The strategies you can use to answer matching headings questions are:

Strategy #1: Understand the question

This is important because it will help you understand what kind of answer is expected and make sure that you’re answering the right question.

Strategy #2: Read the text carefully

You should make sure that you understand which paragraph is being asked about, as well as what information it contains. Look for keywords like “the” or “a”, which could indicate a specific part of speech (nouns, verbs).

Strategy #3: Look for keywords in each paragraph as well as between paragraphs

This can give clues about how they fit together! It may also be helpful to go back over them again after reading through all four options so that they’re fresh in your mind when making decisions later on.”

Strategy #4: Read the first and last sentence of the paragraph

The main topic of a paragraph is usually found in the first and/or last sentence. It is advantageous to read these sentences carefully since it saves time. It’s also important to skim the other sentences in the paragraph quickly because the main argument might not be clear until the second or third phrase.

Strategy #5: Choose Eliminating Method

As you read farther into the paragraph, you may be able to eliminate other solutions. Crossing off the heading on the test booklet is fantastic exercise if you are convinced you have the correct heading for the paragraph or have eliminated a choice. As a consequence, less time is spent reading the same heading over and over again.
Finally, for time-consuming questions like matching headlines, skimming is a crucial skill. This skill will also allow you more time to answer the remaining questions in the reading section.

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Matching Headings Samples with answers

Sample #1

Question: What does the author suggest historians should do when researching their topic?
Answer: They should read primary sources and secondary sources.

Sample #2

Question: What does the author mean by “the past”? How has it changed over time?
Answer(s): It means all events that happened before now; for example, World War II happened in the past but it was still important because we can learn from mistakes that were made during this war (or similar ones). If you think about how much technology has changed since then, then imagine how many more things will change by 2050!

Syllabus of IELTS Academic Reading 2023

The IELTS Syllabus for Academic Reading is a document that provides you with the content and format of each question, as well as sample answers. It also contains tips on how to answer them.
The following strategies will give you an idea of how to approach this question type:
• Read through each passage carefully before answering any questions. Try not to skim through it too quickly; instead, try reading it twice! This will allow for better comprehension and help avoid missing important details later on in your answer paper when time is running out!
• When answering matching headings questions, make sure not only do you understand what has been read but also think about why these things are important or useful for someone who wants their degree at the university level (i.e., what does this mean for them?).


In this article, we have looked at some of the most important strategies to answer IELTS Reading matching headings. We hope that you have found it useful and interesting. Still doubtful? Enrofor IELTS Tutoring classes if required.