Why GRE Test Can Be a Good Option for MBA Aspirants

GRE test for MBA isn’t that bad option at all.

Admissions trends in business schools across the world, indicate that they are seeking applications from students who have more than a background in business. This has led the admissions committees of these colleges to consider the GRE test for MBA as a criterion for selection along with the more widely accepted exam GMAT.

Until now, the GRE test was the traditional test for students planning to go into the science and arts fields whereas the GMAT was the bastion of students who aspired to complete their MBA. But of late, colleges have been accepting the scores of GRE test for MBA programs as well.  It is difficult to compare the scores of both tests as they have a different structure.  It will be like comparing oranges and apples some colleges use the comparison tools provided by GMAC, the administrator of GMAT and ETS, the administrator of GRE. These comparison tools help the colleges to put the scores of students in perspective even if they have given different tests for admission. Before you decide on which test to give, it would be best to see if the college you are applying for a benchmark. To get the most out of your score and your application, you should research your chosen schools to see whether they accept both GRE and GMAT scores and what range of score is required for admission.


Why GRE Is a Good Option for MBA?

1. The GRE Math section is easier to attempt

The GMAT is the ideal test for people with robust analytical and quantitative skills. The GMAT is designed to reward students who excel in Math and data interpretation. However, as many of the aspirants of an MBA program are more interested in administration than Math, it would be better to attempt the GRE, which has a math section which is more straightforward and easier to attempt. Moreover, the use of calculator is permitted in the GRE which is not permitted in the GMAT. So, if you are weak in mental math and calculation, the GRE can be a better option for you.

 2. The GRE and GMAT are timed differently

The GRE test comprises of an Analytical Writing section for 60 minutes which includes two essays of 30 minutes each. Whereas the GMAT has a 30-minute long Analytical Writing section which includes one essay.

The GRE test consists of two Verbal Reasoning sections of 30-minutes duration each and the GMAT consists of a 65-minute Verbal section.

The GRE consists of two Quantitative Reasoning sections of 35 minutes each, whereas the Quantitative section for GMAT is 62 minutes long. As said above, if you prefer to get through your quant session quicker then GRE is definitely the better option for you.

3. The cost factors

The cost of registering for the GRE test is approximately 200 USD, whereas the cost for the GMAT test is somewhere in the range of 250 USD. So other things remaining equal, you save money by opting for the GRE.


[Read more: Preparation Tips for New Pattern GRE Test For 2019-2020]

4. You have more options with the GRE test

The GRE test enables you to apply to both non-MBA as well as MBA programs. On the other hand, a GMAT score is valid only for admission to an MBA program. In such a scenario, if you would still like to keep your options open to do an MS, then giving the GRE will certainly prove to be more advantageous for you.

Read about the Comparison of Verbal Sections in GRE and GMAT Test here.