TOEFL Listening: 7 Hacks to Ace the Listening Section


Listening is the most difficult section of the TOEFL exam. It’s also the most important because your score in this section determines how many points you can get in total. In this post, I’ll give you some tips on how to do well in the listening section of TOEFL by focusing on nonverbal communication, using notes during the first three questions, answering questions first before listening, listening to an entire answer before answering questions about it, and more.

7 Tips for Acing the TOEFL Listening Section

Tip 1# Focus on Nonverbal Communication

The Listening section of the TOEFL exam is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English in a variety of contexts. Because it’s important for you to understand all aspects of communication, including nonverbal cues, it’s essential that you focus on them during this section. You must know the new TOEFL exam pattern and syllabus.
Here are some things that you should pay attention to:
• Tone – listen for any changes in pitch or volume from one speaker or group of speakers and compare them with other speakers
• Body Language – look at where people stand or sit when they speak; notice if they move around while talking; watch their facial expressions (smiling? frowning? raising eyebrows?) as well as any gestures they make with their hands or arms; pay attention if someone crosses his arms over his chest while talking because this could indicate disagreement with what another person has said
• Facial Expressions – look carefully at how someone looks when he speaks; notice whether he looks directly at his audience when making eye contact with them

Tip 2# Use Notes during the First Three Questions

  • As you take the Listening section, be sure to write down important words and phrases in the listening passage. Write down the main idea of each question and its answer choices, too! Finally, write down which choice is correct on each question as you work through it–this can help you keep track of what’s going on as you move through all four questions.
  • Even if it feels like a lot of work at first, don’t worry: writing everything down will make answering questions easier later on because everything will be right there in front of you when it comes time to give yourself some feedback about how well (or poorly) you did on them!
  • If you’re feeling nervous about the Listening section, don’t worry! You can take steps to help yourself feel more confident and prepared. First of all, practice listening to English as much as possible. If you have access to a computer with speakers or headphones and some time on your hands, try watching movies with English subtitles or listening to podcasts that are available online. You have to Check How Long Is TOEFL Score Valid.

Tip 3# Read the Questions First, then Listen

The first thing you should do when you listen to the question is read it. This will help you understand what kind of answer they are looking for, and also give you time to think about the question before listening to the answer. Once you’ve done this, try answering the question in your head. If you don’t know any information about what was said in this part of the text or conversation, ask for clarification from your teacher or tutor! You can also use keywords from earlier parts of a passage as clues for what might be important here–this can help guide your thinking as well as give more structure and direction when working on an essay later on downline (or even during!).

Tip 4# Listen to the Whole Answer

Listening to the whole answer before answering the question is a crucial skill. It’s easy to jump to conclusions and make assumptions about what an answer means, but it’s important to listen carefully until you have a clear picture of what the speaker is saying.
Listeners should also avoid letting their emotions get in the way of understanding an answer. If someone says something that upsets you or makes you angry, take a deep breath and try not let those feelings cloud your judgment as you listen for details that might help clarify what she means by her statement (or even if there’s any truth behind it).

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Tip 5# Instead of memorizing try comprehending

  • The first tip is to stop trying to memorize answers and instead understand them. You should always read the question carefully first before answering it, even if you think that you know what the answer is going to be. If you don’t understand something in a question or if there’s something about it that doesn’t make sense, then ask yourself why this might be true. It may be because one of your assumptions was incorrect or because of some other reason related to how we perceive things around us (such as context).
  • For example: “The average person spends 8 hours per week watching TV.” This statement could mean many different things depending on how specifically we define “average person” or what exactly it means when we say someone watches TV for 8 hours per week! Be sure not only to understand what each word means but also how they relate together so as not get confused later on – especially when answering questions where multiple choices have similar meanings but different implications behind them (like choosing between positive/negative statements).

Tip 6# Pay Attention to the Detail

The listening section of the TOEFL exam Coaching is a test of your ability to listen carefully, pay attention to detail, and understand what you hear. The best way to excel in this section is by listening actively and carefully.
• Listen for Details: In this section, you will hear people talking about different topics such as current events and social issues that are happening around the world today. You need to make sure that your brain picks up on all of these details so that they can be easily recalled later on during testing time!
• Listen with Your Eyes: Sometimes it’s hard just hearing what someone says because there may be background noise or other distractions around us while we’re trying our best out there listening intently (and quietly) at what someone else has said about something important enough for us all here now today…

Tip 7# Be Aware of Your Own Ego and Bias

• Your own ego can get in the way of listening to the speaker, making you think you know the answer before you listen carefully. You also need to be aware that your own bias might prevent you from understanding all parts of a question or listening carefully enough so that all parts are clear.
• Listen carefully for keywords as well as details. If a speaker uses keywords like “the reason why” or “because,” then he or she probably has an opinion about what he is talking about–and this may not match up with other speakers’ opinions! So, if there are several different opinions about something, make sure that each person’s viewpoint is represented by at least one keyword before making any conclusions based on what was said during their speech.

(Read More: Which format of TOEFL test should you take?)

How to improve your listening skills for TOEFL?

• Listen to English. The best way to improve your listening is by listening to as much native English as possible, especially in different environments such as on the street or at home with friends and family members. This will help build up an understanding of how spoken English works and give you the chance to hear different accents and dialects that might be useful when taking the test.
• In addition, listening should be done using headphones so that there’s no background noise interfering with what’s being said!
• By choosing the best toefl coaching centre in Hyderabad you can learn more tips to crack the exam.
• Listen closely! Focus on what each person is saying without getting distracted by other noises around them (this includes other people talking). Try not to get distracted by any visual cues (like eye contact) either – make sure all eyes are on whoever has been chosen as speaker B or C respectively during this part of their conversation so they don’t miss anything important!


The listening section of the TOEFL exam is probably one of the most difficult sections to study for. It can be challenging because it requires you to listen carefully and understand what’s being said in a short amount of time. However, you need some tips that will help you get ready for this section and score higher on it! There are many best ways to select the right TOEFL coaching class.